Dr. Stefan Fourier3 minIn the relay race, the baton handover is the most important thingEine gelungene Wissensübergabe sichert den Erfolg im Unternehmen: Planung, Netzwerke und professionelle Begleitung sind dabei unerlässlich.
Thomas Fourier5 minProjects & ProcessesHow a critical project was brought back on trackA lot depended on the project. The entire board was aware that delaying the product launch by a month would cost more than 5 million....
Dr. Stefan Fourier3 minStructure & OrganizationReducing bureaucracy - how is that supposed to work?Here are two recent reports: The number of government employees has grown by more than thirty percent in recent years. Among young...
Dr. Stefan Fourier1 minData & InformationCorrect and sustainable organizational developmentCurrently, many companies are reevaluating their organizational structures. This is often an attempt to cut costs, while others...